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홈플러스 4만 9,000명 고객 개인정보 유출... 사실확인 후 공지 안해 특정인, 2017년 10월부터 1년간 포인트 탈취 목적으로 홈플러스 온라인몰 4만 9,000개 아이디 접속 홈플러스, 포인트 미적립 민원 발생하자 2년 만에 뒤늦게 인지 변재일 의원 “홈플러스, 6일 동안 이용자에게 은폐...현행법 위반 철저히 조사해야” [보안뉴스 원병철 기자] 홈플러스 고객 4만 9,000명의 개인정보가 유출된 사실이 드러나 방송통신위원회와 한국인터넷진흥원이 조사에 착수했다. ▲홈플러스 온라인몰[이미지=홈플러스 온라인몰] 25일 변재일 의원(과학기술정보방송통신위원회, 더불어민주당)이 방송통신위원회로부터 제출받은 자료에 따르면, 미상의 특정인이 홈플러스 온라인몰에 타인의 계정정보(아이디, 비밀번호)로 접속한 사실이 드러났다. 홈플러스 온라인몰 해킹 목적은 포인트 탈취로 알려졌으며, 유출.. 더보기
Microsoft Releases Emergency Patches for IE 0-Day and Windows Defender Flaw September 24, 2019Swati Khandelwal It's not a Patch Tuesday, but Microsoft is rolling out emergency out-of-band security patches for two new vulnerabilities, one of which is a critical Internet Explorer zero-day that cyber criminals are actively exploiting in the wild. Discovered by Clément Lecigne of Google's Threat Analysis Group and tracked as CVE-2019-1367, the IE zero-day is a remote code.. 더보기
[Unpatched] Critical 0-Day RCE Exploit for vBulletin Forum Disclosed Publicly September 24, 2019Wang Wei An anonymous hacker today publicly revealed details and proof-of-concept exploit code for an unpatched, critical zero-day remote code execution vulnerability in vBulletin—one of the widely used internet forum software. One of the reasons why the vulnerability should be viewed as a severe issue is not just because it is remotely exploitable, but also doesn't require a.. 더보기
125 New Flaws Found in Routers and NAS Devices from Popular Brands September 17, 2019Swati Khandelwal The world of connected consumer electronics, IoT, and smart devices is growing faster than ever with tens of billions of connected devices streaming and sharing data wirelessly over the Internet, but how secure is it? As we connect everything from coffee maker to front-door locks and cars to the Internet, we're creating more potential—and possibly more danger.. 더보기
Update Google Chrome Browser to Patch New Critical Security Flaws September 19, 2019Wang Wei Google has released an urgent software update for its Chrome web browser and is urging Windows, Mac, and Linux users to upgrade the application to the latest available version immediately. Started rolling out to users worldwide this Wednesday, the Chrome 77.0.3865.90 version contains security patches for 1 critical and 3 high-risk security vulnerabilities, the most s.. 더보기
IT Firm Manager Arrested in the Biggest Data Breach Case of Ecuador’s History September 18, 2019Mohit Kumar Ecuador officials have arrested the general manager of IT consulting firm Novaestrat after the personal details of almost the entire population of the Republic of Ecuador left exposed online in what seems to be the most significant data breach in the country's history. Personal records of more than 20 million adults and children, both dead and alive, were found pu.. 더보기
Warning: Researcher Drops phpMyAdmin Zero-Day Affecting All Versions September 18, 2019Wang Wei A cybersecurity researcher recently published details and proof-of-concept for an unpatched zero-day vulnerability in phpMyAdmin—one of the most popular applications for managing the MySQL and MariaDB databases. phpMyAdmin is a free and open source administration tool for MySQL and MariaDB that's widely used to manage the database for websites created with WordPress,.. 더보기
Yikes! iOS 13 Coming Next Week With iPhone LockScreen Bypass Bug September 13, 2019Swati Khandelwal Good news... next week, on September 19, Apple will roll out iOS 13, the latest version of its mobile operating system. Yes, we're excited about, but here comes the bad news... iOS 13 contains a vulnerability that could allow anyone to bypass the lockscreen protection on your iPhone and access some sensitive information. Jose Rodriguez, a Spanish security res.. 더보기